Rhino Hobby Carbon Filter

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Size: 4" (100mm) / 300mm
Sale price£31.99 Regular price£34.99

Rhino Hobby Carbon Filters

Rhino are the world’s leading hydroponics air filter manufacturer. Rhino Hobby carbon filters are made with the same virgin Australian carbon as the premium Rhino Pro range: RC412, but they have a shorter lifespan. Rhino Hobby carbon filters feature a swappable bottom and duct-coupler and they should be turned around every 8-12 weeks to even out the wear ensuring the filters last for their full 9-12 months expected lifespan.

The carbon filters in the Rhino Hobby range do not last as long as those in the Rhino Pro range. Typically, a Rhino Pro carbon filter will last 2 years or more, and the ends never need to be reversed. A Rhino Pro carbon filter typically costs about 40-50% more than the equivalent Rhino Hobby carbon filter, but the Rhino Pro will last 100% longer making it a much more economical choice in the long-run. So for longer term, expert air filtration check out our Rhino Pro Carbon Filters.

How the Rhino Hobby Carbon Filter Works

The Rhino Hobby carbon filter is an aluminium cylinder containing a fine granular form of carbon called “activated carbon” which is made by a special manufacturing process. Each grain of activated carbon has a highly porous surface giving it a huge surface area relative to it’s size. Activated carbon has the unusual ability to clean and de-odorize air that is passed through it. It does this by attracting and then trapping impurities and aromatic substances on it’s surface, thereby cleaning the liquid or gas being passed through it. The type of carbon used in Rhino Hobby filters is the best in the world - Australian RC412.

Rhino Hobby carbon filters are designed specifically for cleaning and de-odorizing air and are therefore perfect for de-odourising hydroponics smells. Stale air is drawn through the Rhino Hobby carbon filter by means of an attached extractor fan (not included) which needs to be matched to the filter being used in terms of air-flow and duct-size. The air is drawn in through the outside of the drum and first passes through a washable dust sleeve which filters out dust and other large particles so that they do not clog the main filter part. Next, the air flows through tightly packed virgin activated carbon – Australian RC412. As the air flows through the activated carbon layer, odours and particles are absorbed and removed leaving the air clean and odourless. The cleaned air is the ducted out via your extractor fan.

The Rhino Hobby carbon filter range is a lighter version of the famous Rhino Pro range. The main difference is that they contain less carbon and therefore only last 9-12 months. To maintain the effectiveness of your Rhino Hobby filter, the duct-coupler and base must be removed every 8-12 weeks and then each fitted to the opposite end. Turning the filter around every 8-12 weeks evens out the wear at each end, making sure the unit lasts for it's full 9-12 month expected lifespan.

Airflow Rates

100mm / 300mm: 350 m3/hr
125mm / 300mm: 500 m3/hr
150mm / 300mm: 600 m3/hr
150mm / 600mm: 600 m3/hr
200mm / 400mm: 900 m3/hr
200mm / 600mm: 1125 m3/hr
250mm / 600mm: 1420 m3/hr

To see our full Rhino Carbon Filters range, click here



Your choice of size of Rhino Hobby Carbon Filter (choose your size above) and 1 dust sleeve


  • Rhino Hobby – the new budget range from the best maker of carbon air filters in the world
  • Reversible duct-coupling end - end should be swapped around with the bottom every 8-12 weeks for max lifespan
  • Lifespan: 9-12 months as long as filter is reversed every 8-12 weeks
  • Removes particles and odours from your grow-room
  • Made with 100% RC412 Australian virgin activated carbon – the best in the world
  • Aluminium housing for robustness and low weight
  • Comes in a variety of sizes fro all extration fans
  • Great for hobby hydroponics growers!

How To Use

How to Use Rhino Hobby Carbon Filters

Rhino Hobby carbon filters must be matched to the fan that they are being used with in terms of the diameter of the venting and the air flow rate. If the air-flow rate of the fan is too high for the filter then the air will flow through it too quickly to be cleaned properly. Also, if the vent diameters of the fan and the filter are different then it will not be possible to connect them without the use of a ducting reducer or enlarger.

Before use, the plastic wrap should be removed from around the outside of the drum and then the supplied dust filter sleeve should be fitted over the outside. The Rhino Hobby carbon filters are shipped with the duct coupler part-screwed on the wrong way around to reduce the size of the packaging. Using an appropriate sized screwdriver, take out the screws holding the duct-coupler in place. Turn the duct-coupler over and replace the screws so that the duct-coupler sits firmly against the seal. Do not overtighten.

The Rhino Hobby carbon filter needs to be mounted inside or as close as possible to your grow-space and connected to your extractor fan by means of ducting and Duct Clips or by a fast clamp which joins the filter and the fan directly together. However they are fitted together it is essential that all joins are airtight for the fan and filter system to work effectively. The outside of the filter should not be covered or obstructed as this will reduce the extraction rate and the filter’s efficiency. Smaller carbon filters and fans are commonly fitted into grow-tents and grow-rooms by hanging them from hanging bars or ceiling fittings. In this way they do not reduce your amount of available floor-space and they will remove the warmest air which tends rise. Larger carbon filters may be too large and cumbersome for hanging and can be simply sat on the floor. Once the filter and your fan have been located in your grow-space then ducting can be run from the outlet side of your extractor fan to outside of the grow-space. In this way, hot, stale and CO2 depleted air are removed from the grow-space and smells are removed from the exiting air at the same time.

Rhino Hobby carbon filters are designed to be fitted to the intake side of your extractor fan and should never be fitted to the outlet side. In other words air must be sucked through them and never blown out through them. Blowing air through them will make them ineffective and may even damage them internally. The dust-filter around the outside should be removed and washed when it gets dirty in order to maintain air flow.

Moisture degrades the performance of carbon filters. High humidity makes them ineffective at eliminating smells and reduces the expected life-span by a significant amount. Try to always keep humidity at a reasonable level (between 40% and 60%) and both your carbon filter and your plants will benefit.

Every 8-12 weeks the duct-coupler at one end and the bottom at the other end need to be swapped over. This evens out the wear at each end of the filter. If the ends are not changed every 8-12 weeks then the Rhino Hobby carbon filter will not last the full 9-12 months expected lifespan.

Turning the filter around is a simple process. Using an appropriate screwdriver, take out the screws holding on the duct-coupler and at the other end, the screws holding on the bottom. Re-attach the bottom to the end where the duct-coupler was and re-attach the duct-coupler to the end where the bottom was.

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