House & Garden Bat-Special - Soil and Guano Mix - 50 litre


Sale price£13.99

Harnessing the Power of Bat Guano!

Bat-Special contains a blend of decomposed peat, perlite, lime and bat guano, providing lots of aeration for roots, excellent drainage, stabilised pH levels and a highly effective source of nutrition.

How House & Garden Bat-Special Works

The research and development team at House & Garden have decades of experience in the professional horticultural industry. Over the years, they've been gradually tweaking this soil mix to ensure that it has all of the qualities needed to optimize growth - excellent drainage, stable pH levels, plentiful oxygen and an enriched source of slow-release nutrition.

The bulk of Bat-Special is made up of two types of decomposed peat: German Black and Baltic White. German Black Peat has a fine consistency, whereas Baltic White tends to be chunkier and spongier. The two combined create a perfect balance, with a nice, airy conistency. These properties are further enhanced with supplementary perlite, which is a natural soil addition derived from volcanic glass. Perlite is highly permeable – meaning that water passes through it easily. This low water retention allows nutrients to drain more freely through containers, leaving small pockets of air that increase aeration and improve nutrient uptake. This, in turn, lowers the risk of root disease and promotes all-round healthier plants with bigger yields and an increase in quality.

House & Garden Bat-Special contains added bat guano. Guano breaks down slowly, releasing macro and micro-nutrients while protecting roots and combatting pathogenic fungi. Additional fertilizer with an initial NPK ratio of 14-16-18 is also included, taking the EC level of the mix to between 1.2 and 1.5. For this reason, Bat-Special is best used when re-potting for the later vegetative or bloom stages, when plants can comfortably make full use of the additional feed. For very young plants, use a lighter mix such as Plant Magic Plus Soil Supreme, available here.

Bat-Special is free of weeds, pathogens, pests and nematode worms, so you can pot-up with the knowledge that you won't be introducing unwanted pests and problems to your indoor garden, as is so often the case with low-grade alternatives.

To see our full range of Growing Media, click here


  • Formed from decomposed German Black and Baltic White peat
  • Light and airy – roots love it!
  • Contains perlite for excellent drainage and oxygenation
  • Massively reduces the likelihood of encountering root rot
  • Added lime to stabilize pH levels
  • Enriched with Bat Guano for optimal plant nutrition
  • Please note - there’s a heavy item surcharge of £2 per bag on all grow media

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