GSE Digital Water Cycle Timer (10-Amp)

Save £64.99
One Stop Grow ShopSKU: 211030

Sale price£65.00 Regular price£129.99

Regulate Feeding Times with a Single Second of Accuracy! Day and Night!

The Water Cycle Timer does exactly what it says on the tin, switching the pump to your hydroponic system on and off as required, allowing you to tailor feeds to your plants' exact needs. Just choose the length of each feed, then select the duration of the 'off' time before feeding commences again - that's it! You can even choose different settings for daytime and night-time - the light sensor will automatically switch the unit to the right schedule!

How this Unit Works

This water cycle timer is designed to power the pump to your hydroponics / watering system. Timers typically switch equipment on or off in 15 minute segments. When watering, you're probably going to need more control than most standard timers can offer. That's why this Water Cycle Timer allows you to select the length of the pumping cycle itself and also the length of the interval (off time) between each cycle. Pumps can be switched on for durations of between 1 second and 20 minutes, giving you plenty of flexibility to tailor feeding times exactly to your plants' needs. The interval dial decides the length of time that the pump is switched off for before it turns on again for another cycle. This gap can be set between 1 second and 16 hours, giving you plenty of scope to time your feedings as frequently or as infrequently as you need to.

There are four dials in total: cycle time & interval (daytime), cycle time & interval (night-time). You can choose different settings for day and night and the controller will automatically switch itself to the correct schedule by detecting light levels with its 4.0 metre long light sensor.

To see our full Irrigation Timers range, click here


  • Separate daytime and night-time modes
  • 4.0 metre light sensor to automatically switch between day and night settings
  • Allows you to program feeding schedules down to one second of accuracy!!
  • Idiot-proof interface - two daytime dials and two night-time dials
  • Great for drippers, flood & drain, aeroponics, etc.
  • 10amp to handle pretty much any pump

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