G.A.S. SonicAir Humidifier

GAS UKSKU: 133492

Sale price£105.99

The SonicAir Humidifier from G.A.S.

The SonicAir Humidifier, from Global Air Supplies, is an affordable way to add extra moisture to the atmosphere, bringing the best out of your crop. When your room is too dry, growth rates will quickly start to slow down, as it's extremely important that you get the balance right. If this is the case for you, then a quality humidifier is an extremely important purchase, especially during the vegetative stages.

How the SonicAir Humidifier Works

The environment in your grow area will play a huge role in deciding the growth rates of your plants. If humidity levels get too high or too low, then growth will start to slow down, so it's important to try and keep things in the sweet spot. If your room is too dry, then a humidifier is essential. The SonicAir will take care of small to medium-sized grow areas, outputting up to 800ml of water per hour. Should you wish to output less than this, you can do so by adjusting the dial on the front of the unit. The SonicAir runs extremely quietly and uses very little power, coming in at only 80 watts! To automate it, you can plug it into an external hygrostat, so that it gets powered only when needed. The Enviro Controller does an excellent job of this while simultaneously regulating fans and other items of growroom equipment.

To see our full Grow Room Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers range, click here


  • Adjustable setting - can be tailored to suit your needs
  • Outputs up to 800ml of water per hour
  • Holds up to 10 litres of water in its tank
  • Multi-directional spouts for even coverage
  • Uses very little power, coming in at only 80 watts
  • Comes with a one year manufacturer's guarantee when used with RO water
  • Runs extremely quietly; practically silent
  • Can be automatically switched with an external hygrostat, like the GAS Intelligent Humidity Controller or the Enviro Controller

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