Exhale CO2 Bags


Size: Regular
Sale price£29.99

Exhale CO2 Bag - Mycelium Carbon Dioxide Enhancer

Exhale Grow Bags boost the levels of Co2 in your grow area by harnessing the gaseous output of a large block of organic mycelial mass. They provide a quick and easy way to boost levels in the surrounding air up to 1500ppm, and for up to 6 months!

The Regular Exhale bag is perfect for areas up to 1.2m x 1.2m and provides steady Co2 for up to 6 months.

The XL Exhale bag is ideal for bigger setups up to 1.8m x 1.8m and will give your plants Co2 for roughly 9 months.

How the Exhale CO2 Bag Works

Plants depend on Co2 as a crucial component in the process of photosynthesis; without an adequate supply, your plants will, at best, never reach their full potential and, at worst, wither and die. The first and most important step to addressing this issue is to make sure that your extraction system is able to replace the air in your grow area once every two minutes, bringing in a constant source of Co2 from an outside area. However, plants can actually make use of more Co2 than is generally present in the atmosphere.

The Exhale Co2 Bag allows you to boost levels of carbon dioxide beyond levels present in the surrounding air, improving growth rates, overall vigour and triggering a sizeable increase in yield. No chemicals or equipment are required in the process; instead, the grow bag is filled with a large quantity of mycelial mass, which naturally emits a steady and plentiful supply of carbon dioxide through a one-way breather patch. Using it is as simple as placing it in a sensible spot above the canopy. That's it! The Exhale Co2 Bag will then increase Co2 levels in the surrounding atmosphere to levels up to 1500ppm.

Co2 bags are especially effective when used with LED technology to increase yields when using high μmol outputs.



1 x bag of Exhale CO2 Bag with breather patch, 1 x plastic hanger (rope ratchet not included)


  • Low-cost - an affordable way to play around with carbon dioxide supplementation
  • Homegrown CO2 bags are effective for up to 6 months
  • Harnesses the power of a patented strain of mycelium
  • Ideal for small to medium sized grow spaces
  • Supports 4 – 6 plants comfortably
  • Raises CO2 levels up to 1500ppm in your indoor garden
  • Increases rates of photosynthesis for faster growth rates
  • Now comes with easy-to-use hanger

How To Use

How to Use Exhale CO2 Bags

As mentioned previously, the Exhale CO2 Bag requires no real setup. All you need to do is position it in a suitable spot in your grow room.

If you're not running any extraction (which is more likely to be the case early on during vegetative plant growth), then place the Exhale bag near the top of the grow space just above canopy height. Near the top of the bag is a breather patch, which will allow co2 to flow on out into the room. Ideally, these grow bags should be used in an area without extraction. Because co2 is heavier than the surrounding air, it will then descend towards the canopy, whereupon it should be circulated by any fans in the space to help spread it evenly around the area.

If you are using it along with a duct fan and filter, situate it at the opposite end of the grow space to your extraction system, preferably by your intake air supply. This will help your plants to utilise the CO2 before it can be drawn out of the room.

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