Duct Clips


Size: Duct Clip: 60mm - 315mm (for 10" & 12" Ducting)
Sale price£2.99

Duct Clip

A Duct Clip can be used to hold Flexi-Ducting onto the flange of an extraction/intake fan or carbon filter. There are 3 sizes to choose from to fit any standard size of extraction system.

How Duct Clips Work:

Simply pushing flexi-ducting over an extractor fan flange does not create a mechanically secure or airtight fit. By fitting a Duct Clip, the join becomes air-tight and the flexi-ducting will be prevented from accidentally being pulled off. Duct Clips consist of a strong metal band with notches along the entire length. A clip containing a worm-drive tightening mechanism is fixed at one end. When the end of the metal band is fed through the clip and the clip is locked over, the diameter of the loop can be increased or reduced simply by turning the tightening screw. By doing this, the Duct Clip can be used to grip flexi-ducting over a flange on a fan or filter.

To see our full Ducting & Fittings range, click here



1 x Duct Clip in the size of your choice


  • Fastens Flexi-ducting onto fan/filter flanges
  • 4 sizes to choose from to fit any standard size of flexiducting (from 4" to 14")
  • Strong metal band
  • Worm-drive clip design allows quick and very tight fastening
  • Larger sizes available for larger diameter flexi-ducting and fans/filters

How To Use

How to use Duct Clips

Push your flexi-ducting over the flange of your fan or carbon filter so that several turns of the spiral wire inside the ducting go around the flange. Wrap the Duct Clip around the join. Lift the clip on the end of the Duct Clip and feed the end of the metal band through it and out the other side, taking up as much slack as possible. Move the clip back to the horizontal position so that it locks in place. A flat-bladed screwdriver can now be used on the tightening screw to clamp the Duct Clip around the join making it air-tight and mechanically secure.

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