Bluelab - KCl pH Probe Storage Solution


Sale price£9.99

Bluelab KCl pH Probe Storage Solution

If your pH probe dries out during storage, its accuracy and lifespan are likely to be drastically reduced. Keep your pH probe in good condition by wetting and storing the probe in Bluelabs’s specially designed storage solution.

How pH Probe Storage Solution Works

Bluelab's pH probe storage solution contains dilute potassium chloride, which is known to increase the performance and longevity of pH probes. By keeping your pH meter probes in storage solution, they will be prevented from drying out, keeping them in better condition. Keeping your pH meter probes wet is essential for accurate readings and maintaining the lifespan of your pH measuring equipment.


  • Bluelab - one of the best known meter manufacturers in hydroponics
  • Keeps your probes hydrated, maintaining their condition
  • Especially designed to care for your pH probe when not in use
  • Helps to ensure accurate readings
  • Maintains pH probe lifespan - giving you better value for money
  • Easy to use – simply wet electrodes before storage or use in the probe cap
  • Can be used with virtually any brand of pH meter

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