The Ecothrive Range? Secret Weapon of Prize Winning Growers

Two fantastic new products have just arrived from Ecothrive, the team behind 'Charge' - the insect frass powder that delivers a source of slow-release nutrition, beneficial microorganisms and potent growth stimulants, all in one.

The new products in question are Biosys and Coco. Expectations were naturally sky-high, and we definitely haven't been disappointed! Biosys is an organic tea that works instantly. Organic teas have been secret weapons of competition level growers for generations. Brewing numerous ingredients for days at a time generates teas with extremely high levels of microbial activity. These microbes work in harmony with plants to ward off pathogens, accelerate root growth, increase nutrient uptake and provide nutrition (as well as performing a host of other roles). The great news is, Biosys achieves in mere seconds what used to take days. Just add it to plain water and you're good to go! It really is that easy.

The new potting mix is 98% premium-grade, fully buffered coco and 2% Charge. Ecothrive have sourced premium quality coco coir that's ready to use straight out of the bag. But you don't need to take our word for it on the quality front; it's fully certified by the RHP. An RHP certificate is a badge of honour that's seen as a key indicator of quality and consistency by farmers and commercial growers all over Europe. You can use this coco with absolute confidence, and, because it's 'pre-Charged', you'll see accelerated growth rates when compared to standard coco. Ecothrive Coco effectively gives you the best aspects of both hydroponic and organic gardening. A real win-win!

They say that a picture says a thousand words, so, to celebrate the arrival of Coco and Biosys, we thought we'd share a few images of the impressive looking vegetables grown by competition winners who use Ecothrive products to push their crops to the absolute limits. They'll give you a good feel for what is possible when you harness the power of nature in your next grow.

You may remember Ian Neale from the encounter he once had with Snoop Dogg. Snoop was so impressed by his grand-master level skills that he gave him backstage passes to one of his concerts, in return for a few gardening tips! At the time, Ian was a user of a product called 'Rootgrow', but he's now switched to using Ecothrive products instead. Rootgrow is decent enough, but Biosys is vastly superior, providing five different types of beneficial microbes in one hit: endo mycorrhizal fungi, bacillus, nitrogen fixing bacteria, pseudomonas and trichoderma

This is Ian winning first prize with a giant carrot

ian stocks picking up a well-deserved first place for some monumental leaks

This enormous marrow was grown by Dale Toten using Ecothrive products - and it rightly earned itself gold at the Malvern Autumn Show

If you're interested in growing giant fruits and vegetables like these, we highly recommend checking out and their Facebook group the 'Giant Vegetable Community'. You'll find a ton of information, including grow guides and video tutorials. There's even a seed shop where you can get hold of record-breaking genetics.

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